Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We want to read through and discuss the booklet, Vineyard Core Values and Beliefs, during the month of November. Most of us received the booklet on Sunday, October 30. It is a short read, but you will want to read thoughtfully highlighting and asking questions as you go. Please share your insights and your questions on this blog and we can learn and interact with one another. Please do a little each week in November. Read, think, write, share on the blog on a weekly basis. We will get together on Sunday evening, December 4, to celebrate Advent and to enjoy a group discussion of this booklet. Thanks for joining in the Journey of Discipleship.


  1. Let's focus on the Mission of the Vineyard USA this week. Read the statement. Ponder it. Consider the following questions.

    1. In what ways are we joining God's mission in the world?

    2. How are we doing as a community in proclaiming and practicing the full message and reality of the kingdom of God?

    Please post your thoughts and questions.

  2. I must say that I like our individual mission statement better than the Vineyards. We explain it more fully. I think that we are partially joining in God's work. I would like to see more of our people engage in more community/world changing events. But I think as a vision our church is moving in the right direction in making a difference.

  3. Thank you,Steve, for posting your comment. I am encouraged by your perspective.I especially like your encouragement for our community to keep getting involved in "community/world changing events." It is also helpful to read that we are moving in the right direction.

  4. Our assignment this week is to focus on the Values of the Vineyard. I like to call our movement "values drawn." We have 5 core values that we are drawn toward. We are hoping to encourage others to orient themselves toward these. We want the values to influence each of our ministries.

    So here is a suggestion. Over the next 5 days read one value per day. Please post your questions and reflections about each of the values as we go through this week.

  5. Thank you for an evening of conversation on Core Values and Beliefs. I am sure we did not cover everything so please keep the conversation going by posting your comments and questions to the blog. We will begin our next study, Breakthrough: The Nature of the Kingdom in January. So we have the remainder of December to keep the focus on Core Values and Beliefs.

    Also, thank you for the desserts and snacks. It was a great evening together. I look forward to another evening early in February. Thanks for adding so much to my life and the life of our community.

    Enjoy the Advent season!

  6. I can post!

    Scott, can I get that Kingdom book early?

  7. Yes. I can get that to you this week. Merry Christmas.

  8. I LOVED our Sunday evening together! It was so great to all be in the same room together talking about this. That in itself made me feel more connected, a real team and felt really wonderful. Can't wait to do it again! I hope we can keep this going on a regular basis. I also hope others felt the same connectedness. Hearing each others thoughts, questions, lessons learned, praying together, worshiping and enjoying snacks with the backdrop of the Christmas season made for a special evening in my book.

  9. I'm always amazed at the synergy and strength of multiple minds discussing an issue. We definitely need each other, each others' experiences, victories and struggles.

    Glad to be a part of you all and looking forward to continuing to discuss and put into practice what we learn!
